Susan Rapp, School Department Central Office Paraprofessional Deborah Durnin, Shrewsbury High School Evan Earls, Shrewsbury High School Heather Sena, Little Colonials Preschool at Shrewsbury High School Professional Jennifer Flemming, Coolidge School Amy Johnson, Oak Middle School Kelly Lawlor, Shrewsbury High School Professional Sarah Matthews, Sherwood Middle School Leadership Patricia Waterhouse, Director of Special Education, Sherwood & Oak Middle Schools Unsung Hero Anne Gray, Parent Volunteer/Substitute Teacher, Paton School Fifteen grants, totaling $15,746.27, have been awarded to the Shrewsbury Public Schools for the 2019–2020 school year. Grants for the following year will be considered in the fall of 2020.
“A Sensory Integration Approach; Inclusive Practices to Meet the Needs of Diverse Learners” Mary Ann Hogan / Tina McGrail (Floral Elementary School) “Building Empathy by Expanding the Canon: Developing Student’s Social Emotional Skills through Non-Fiction Narratives” Liza Trombley / Kelly Lawlor (Shrewsbury High School) “Can You Hear Me Now? Helping Students Develop Self-Monitoring Skills for Independent Work” Nicole Cormier / Lisa Papazian (Walter J. Paton Elementary School) “Cultures that Rock Our World: Appreciating and Accepting our Differences through Culturally Responsive Books in the Media Center” Marjorie Fox / Pamela Santilli (Calvin Coolidge Elementary School) “Don’t Judge a Book by its Cover: Promoting Representation, Inclusion, and Mental Awareness for ALL Students through Children’s Literature” Colleen D’Errico (Shrewsbury High School) “E.E.K. Environmental Education for Kids – 2019” Kara Frankian (Floral Elementary School) “Experiencing Everything: Virtual Reality and Enhancing the Learning Experience” Matt Amdur / Derek Pizzuto (Oak Middle School) “United Sound Resources: A Project in Inclusivity for Shrewsbury High School’s Instrumental Music Program” Brian Liporto / Kate Mercadante (Shrewsbury High School) “Family Book Club Lending Library” Melissa Barrett / Becky Dumphey (Beal Early Childhood Center) “Mental Health Toolkit Supply Grant” Brenda Filiere (Shrewsbury High School) “Oak Fitness Room” Jeff LaRose (Oak Middle School) “Paton’s Premier Pentathlon” Ben Pierce / Lisa Smith (Walter J. Paton Elementary School) “Sherwood 360” Litza Rivera (Sherwood Middle School) “Taking PE to New Heights” Amy Smith (Floral Elementary School) “Teaching Trout” Sophie Straubel (Oak Middle School) |
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